NEW CD 2018 – “Perfect Paradise” is now on sale and ready for your head!

JUST RELEASED, our new CD “Perfect Paradise” and we would love to get one into your hands and then our music into your head.

Pick one up from any of us or order one and we will ship it to you.

Internet Mail orders are $12.00 us

The band is excited to announce the release of our 2018 CD “Perfect Paradise”.

The nine songs selected run the gamut of emotion, and yes some quirky fun.
Kari’s writing and vocals lead the charge with great effort and support from Mary, Carl and David.
Thanks to all our fans for being the inspiration for it all.

Perfect Paradise

You Could Be Right

I Count My Friends

Give Me A Kiss

Pity Party

Love Voodoo

Door of Opportunity

Keep it too Myself

Be a Hammer